Checkmarx (ThreadFix 3.X)

You will learn

How to generate a Checkmarx report and upload it to ThreadFix.


Audience: IT Professional
Difficulty: Basic
Time needed: Approximately 10 minutes
Tools required: N/A

Generate Results

After logging into the Checkmarx instance, there are two options for obtaining a report:

  • Download a report from existing results

  • Queue a scan to create results for a report:

  1. Select the Project & Scans tab and select Create New Project from the options list.


  2. Enter a Project Name and click the Next button.


  3. Zip up the source code to be scanned, select it and select Upload.


  4. Select Now for Choose the scan execution time and click the Finish button.


  5. After the scan has finished, select the Project & Scans tab and select All Scans from the drop-down options.


  6. Select the Create Report icon for the completed scan.


  7. Select XML for the Report Format and click the the Generate Report button.

Upload Results

  1. After generating a report, log in to ThreadFix and navigate to the Portfolio page, found on the Navigation sidebar under the Application sub-menu.


  2. Expand the Team the report will be uploaded to.


  3. After picking one of the Team's applications, select Upload Scan and drag the report into the Pane.


  4. Once ThreadFix finishes processing the report, the results can be viewed on the individual application's page. |
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