AppScan Enterprise (ThreadFix 3.X)

You will learn

How to open/create, configure, launch, export, and upload an AppScan Enterprise scan.


Audience: IT Professional, or End User
Difficulty: Basic
Time needed: Approximately 10 minutes
Tools required: N/A

Generate Results

After navigating to a deployed instance of AppScan Enterprise, an application must be setup to assign scans:

  1. Fill out the Name field and click the Create button.


  2. Navigate to the Scans page through the drop-down menu in the top left.


  3. Select the '+' button under the Folders section to create a new scan job.


  4. Use the defaults provided by AppScan, fill the Name field, assign it to an application from the drop-down list and select Create:


  5. Fill the New starting URL(s) field with the target application's URL, click the Add button and select Apply.


  6. Navigate to the Security tab, under the Test category, on the side bar.


  7. Select the Security Test Policy that fits the target application (Application Only is a good choice as a default) and select Save.


  8. Select the newly created scan job's checkbox and click the button to run the scan.


  9. After the scan job completes, select the Report Pack job.

  10. Select all the issues at once by checking the top checkbox beneath Action, select Export  then To XML and save the file to a desired directory:

Upload Results

It's recommended to use the AppScan Remote Providers feature to import AppScan Enterprise Scans into ThreadFix.

  1. After generating the report, log in to ThreadFix and navigate to the Teams tab. Expand the Team that the report will be uploaded to:


  2. After picking one of the Team's Application, select Upload Scan and drag the report into the pane:


  3. Once ThreadFix has finish processing the report, the results can be viewed on the Application's page: |
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