AppScan Standard (ThreadFix 3.X)

You will learn

How to open/create, configure, launch, export, and upload an AppScan Standard scan.


Audience: IT Professional
Difficulty: Basic
Time needed: Approximately 20 minutes
Tools required: N/A

Generate Results

  1. After launching AppScan, there are two options for obtaining results to generate a report:

    • Select Open and select an existing scan file.

    • Select Create New Scan.


  2. Select Regular Scan from the Predefined Templates.


  3. Select AppScan for ‘I want to explore the site using’ and click the Next button.


  4. Enter the Target URL into the ‘Start the scan from this URL’ and click the the Next button.


  5. Select None for Login Method and click the the Next button.


  6. Select Default from the Policy Files options and click the Next button.


  7. Select Start a full automatic scan for ‘How do you want to start?’ and click the Finish button.


  8. Allow the scan to complete.

Exporting Results

To export scan results, first select File then Export, select Scan Results as XML, choose For earlier versions (legacy), and save the results to a trusted directory:

ThreadFix only supports the Legacy XML export currently.


Upload Results

  1. After generating the report, log into ThreadFix and navigate to the Teams tab. Expand the Team that the report will be uploaded to.


  2. After picking one of the Team's Application, click the Upload Scan button and drag the report into the pane.


  3. Once ThreadFix has finished processing the report, the results can be viewed on the individual application's page.

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