AppSpider (ThreadFix 3.X)

You will learn

How to generate an AppSpider report.


Audience: IT Professional or End User
Difficulty: Basic
Time needed: Approximately 5 minutes
Tools required: N/A

Generate Report

  1. Run a scan from within AppSpider.


  2. From AppSpider’s Scans dashboard page, click the Report drop-down button and select Download from the list.

  3. Several files will be generated, from the collection, select the VulnerabilitySummary.xml file.

Upload Scan

  1. Navigate to the desired application in ThreadFix. Click the Action drop-down button and select Upload Scan.


  2. Click and drag the VulnerabilitySummary.xml file into the desired Upload Scan modal. Alternately click the Choose Files button to browse to the directory containing the file to be uploaded.


  3. The uploaded scan will process, the application’s details page will briefly display a queue which can be expanded in order to view further details.


  4. Once the scan is processed it will be added to the Scans tab. From here the scan can be deleted, exported or clicked on for more details.


  5. Clicking the View Scan link will display the Scan’s Findings details. The scan can also be exported or deleted. |
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