As of December 31st, 2023 ThreadFix 2.X has reached End of Life and is no longer supported. For any further information please contact the Success and Implementation team.

ThreadFix Amazon Machine Image Update

​ You will learn

How to request and launch an Amazon Web Services Image. We can provide you a fully functional Amazon Web Services (AWS) image with a pre-installed trial license you can use to evaluate or deploy ThreadFix.


Audience: IT Professional
Difficulty: Basic
Time needed: Approximately 25 minutes
Tools required: Amazon Web Services image

Requesting the Shared Image

In order for ThreadFix to share the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) the following information is required:

  • Your AWS account number.

  • Your preferred region.

With the above information, request the image by contacting

Please note the AMI is based on an Ubuntu Linux image version 18.04 LTS.

Launching the Shared Image

  1. After login, click EC2.

  2. Click "Instances" from the sidebar.

  3. Click the "Launch Instance" button.


  4. Select "My AMI's" from the side menu, select the "Shared with me" checkbox, and search for "Threadfix" in the search bar.


  5. Select the desired ThreadFix image to deploy.

  6. Choose the 32 GB RAM option (t3.2xlarge).


  7. Set the configuration details at your discretion.


  8. Recommended storage should be changed from the default 50GB to at least 250GB. 


  9. Select the Review and Launch button when ready.
    Note: The security group you assign the machine to must have https (port 443) open to your location in order for you to access the instance after it completes.

  10. Allow at least 15 minutes after the machine has become available before you access Threadfix. After 15 minutes, you can browse to: https://<machine_ip>. At the ThreadFix login page, you can log in with the default credentials provided to you with the AMI. |
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