• In progress
  • As of December 31st, 2023 ThreadFix 2.X has reached End of Life and is no longer supported. For any further information please contact the Success and Implementation team.

    Supported API Per ThreadFix Version - Internal Only


    Applications API


    Defect Trackers API

    Email Reporting API

    Miscellaneous API

    Pass Criteria API

    *Pages locked and hidden by Robert in May 2020

    Policies API









    Remote Providers API



    Scans API

    Server Time Zone Options for API Calls

    System Customization API


    Tags API

    Tasks API

    Teams API

    Users, Roles, and Groups API

    Vulnerabilities API

    Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) API




    Applications API


    Defect Trackers API

    Email Reporting API

    Miscellaneous API

    Pass Criteria API

    Policies API

    Queue Management API


    Remote Providers API

    Scans API

    Server Time Zone Options for API Calls

    System Customization API

    Tags API

    Tasks API

    Teams API

    Users, Roles, and Groups API

    Vulnerabilities API



    www.threadfix.it | www.coalfire.com
    Copyright © 2024 Coalfire. All rights reserved.

    This Information Security Policy is CoalFire - Public: Distribution of this material is not limited.