As of December 31st, 2023 ThreadFix 2.X has reached End of Life and is no longer supported. For any further information please contact the Success and Implementation team.

Burp Suite Scan Agent

You will learn

How to setup and run a Burp Scan Agent.


Audience: IT Professional
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: Approximately 10 minutes
Tools required: N/A

Running Burp Scan Agent

  1. Download Scan Agent from ThreadFix Download Tools page.


  2. Save the scanagent.jar file in the desired working directory.

  3. From the command line, navigate to the working directory and run the command java -jar scanagent.jar -s to begin set up. There will be three necessary pieces of information to supply.

    1. Input the ThreadFix base URL

      C:\Users\user\ScanAgent>java -jar scanagent.jar -s Starting configuration dialog. Attempting to load via file I/O. Attempting to load as resource file via file I/O. Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable: C:\Users\user\ScanAgent\ Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi\ Not found in 'user.home' (C:\Users\user) directory: C:\Users\user\esapi\ Loading via file I/O failed. Exception was: Attempting to load via the classpath. SUCCESSFULLY LOADED via the CLASSPATH from '/ (root)' using current thread context class loader! Attempting to load via file I/O. Attempting to load as resource file via file I/O. Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable: C:\Users\user\ScanAgent\ Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi\ Not found in 'user.home' (C:\Users\user) directory: C:\Users\user\esapi\ Loading via file I/O failed. Attempting to load via the classpath. could not be loaded by any means. fail. Exception was: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to load as a classloader resource. OFF [main] SecurityProviderLoader.log(434) | [/ExampleApplication/SecurityProviderLoader] No Encryptor.PreferredJCEProvider specified. Input ThreadFix base URL (should end in /rest, leave empty to keep http://localhost:8080/threadfix/rest/latest):
    2. Input the API Key

      Input ThreadFix API key (leave empty to keep {apiKey})
    3. Input the Working Directory. This is where the jar should be located and where the XML files will be saved to.

      Input working directory (for file storage, leave empty to keep C:\Users\user\ScanAgent):

      If performed successfully, the following message will display:


  4. Run the command java -jar scanagent.jar -cs burp. Two pieces of information will need to be supplied.

    1. Input the file path for Burp Suite

    2. Input the Burp Suite version

      If performed successfully, the following message will display:


  5. Run the command java -jar scanagent.jar -r. This will start the Scan Agent. It will begin processing tasks that have been queued or wait until it receives its first task.


  6. Add a new Scan Agent Task.


  7. The Target URL will be the URL of the site you wish to have Burp scan. The Scan Config file is the .burp project file saved from Burp Suite.

  8. After this has completed, a burp_scan_result.xml file will be in the working directory. This will be the results that were automatically uploaded to ThreadFix after the Scan Agent completed its task.

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