As of December 31st, 2023 ThreadFix 2.X has reached End of Life and is no longer supported. For any further information please contact the Success and Implementation team.

Customizing ThreadFix Severities

ThreadFix gives you the ability to rename its five default severities (Info, Low, Medium, High, and Critical,) as well as the ability to toggle the display of severities on and off.

Custom Names

When you land on the Customize ThreadFix Severities page, you are under the Custom Names tab. This is where you rename ThreadFix severities.

First, click the Edit button next to the ThreadFix severity you wish to rename. Here, the example is using a numeric rating scale for severities:

Enter your own name for the ThreadFix severity into the text field and click the Save button. You will see a success message and your new custom text will be displayed alongside the ThreadFix severity name.

Continue until you have successfully edited all of your custom severity names.

As you would expect, no HTML or other special characters are allowed in these fields, as you can see below:

Show and Hide

The Show and Hide tab contains controls that allow you to choose whether to display specific severities or not.

First, click the Enable checkbox at the top of the page. This activates the Show|Hide buttons. The default is to show all severities.

Choose the levels of vulnerabilities you would like to see displayed.

In this case the level 1 vulnerabilities (the mapping that the administrator just created) will be hidden. Click the Save Changes button.

You will see a message that the filter settings have been saved. |
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