As of December 31st, 2023 ThreadFix 2.X has reached End of Life and is no longer supported. For any further information please contact the Success and Implementation team.

Transition to OpenJDK 11

You will learn

How to transition to OpenJDK11.


Audience: IT Professional and/or End User
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: Approximately 30 minutes
Tools required: Tomcat, MySQL or MS SQL Server

As of version 2.7.9, ThreadFix will run with OpenJDK 11. It will also continue to run with Oracle Java 8 or Open JDK 8, so transitioning is optional.

Below are the basic steps needed to transition to Open JDK 11.

Java KeyStore and/or TrustStore

If your Java's KeyStore and/or TrustStore reside within your existing Java directory (e.g., /<jre path>/lib/security/cacerts), you may need to copy it over to the new Java directory (or an alternate location) and update any reference to it, such as within Tomcat's server.xml file and/or where your JAVA_OPTS are specified (e.g., Linux: tomcat.service; Windows: within the Configure Tomcat applet).


Run the following command:

sudo yum install java-11-openjdk

To make this version the one used by the OS, run the sudo alternatives --config java command and select it.

Verify the default version of Java by running the following command: java -version


Run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk

To make this version the one used by the OS, run the sudo update-alternatives --config java command and select it.

Verify the default version of Java by running the following command: java -version


  1. Download the 'x86 64-bit' version of the JRE zip file here (e.g.,

  2. Extract the zip file to a desired location (e.g., C:\openjdk11).

  3. Update your JAVA_HOME environment variable (System) to point to the above path.

  4. Verify the default version of Java by running the following in a Command Prompt: java -version.

  5. Update the Java Virtual Machine field in the Configure Tomcat applet to the path of the new jvm.dll (e.g., %JAVA_HOME%\bin\server\jvm.dll).

In some cases, the updated Path and JAVA_HOME environment variable will only take effect after rebooting the server.

To check each of these, you can run the following commands in a Command Prompt:

  • To check the Path: set path

  • To check JAVA_HOME: set java_home |
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