3.2 to 3.3.1 Upgrade Required Helm Value & Posgresql Changes


In order to upgrade from ThreadFix 3.2 to 3.3.1 users must be aware of required Helm Value & Posgresql Changes detailed below.

Prior to beginning any upgrades or migration, ThreadFix strongly recommends users review the Upgrade & Migration Guidelines.

Helm Value Changes

In ThreadFix 3.3, Kong PostgreSQL Subcharts now have the following structure changes:

Prior to ThreadFix 3.3:

echo "kong: postgresql: postgresqlPassword: $PG_PASSWORD global: threadfix: licenseCMOverride: tf-license" > myValues/myValues.yaml

As of ThreadFix 3.3:

echo "kong: postgresql: auth: password: $PG_PASSWORD global: threadfix: licenseCMOverride: tf-license" > myValues/myValues.yaml


Posgresql Updates

The following requires first adjusting the Kong PostgreSQL Subcharts above, and ThreadFix version 3.2.

  1. Set environment variables like below:

    export TF_RELEASE=$(helm ls | grep threadfix | awk '{ print $1}') export POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret ${TF_RELEASE}-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode) export PG_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32)


  2. Export current helm values:


  3. Add the helm repo and update:


  4. Delete postgresql:

  5. Upgrade with --no-hooks set:


  6. Manually run kong migrations:


  7. To confirm the upgrade was successful, echo the following TF_VERSION variable:



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