Private Docker Registry

You will learn

How to install ThreadFix 3.X with a private Docker registry.


Audience: IT Professional
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: Approximately 10 minutes
Tools required: N/A

Internally developed containers follow the bitnami imageRegistry pattern so all ThreadFix and bitnami images can be set to use a different registry by setting the parameter global.imageRegistry in Helm values.

Other 3rd-party containers used by ThreadFix do not follow this convention and must be manually set per container. The list of images may change from release to release.

Retrieve Images Needed by ThreadFix

  1. If the ThreadFix helm repository has not been installed, add it with the following command:

    helm repo add denimgroup


  2. Update the helm repository.

    helm repo update


  3. (Optional) If the above step fails due to firewall rules blocking download, the helm chart may be manually downloaded through a browser:

    1. Navigate to Release Notes page for the version being installed and clicking the “manual download” link.

    2. In the following guide, replace instances of denimgroup/threadfix with the name of the tgz file downloaded. Example threadfix-3.1.0.tgz

  4. Retrieve the list of images to pull from public docker repositories.

    helm template tf denimgroup/threadfix | grep -oE 'image:.*' | sort -u | sed -e 's|image: ||g' -e 's|"||g'


  5. Follow the user’s company’s policies and procedures to add these images to the private docker registry.

Installing with Private Docker Registry

If the user’s private repository is a mirror of public repositories or follows the same naming conventions as public repositories, use the following instructions.

  1. Create myValues dir (if it does not already exist).


  2. Set the name of the private registry (replace <imageRegistry> with the appropriate value).


  3. Create a registry.yaml file.


  4. Follow standard installation instructions.

Installing with Private Docker Registry and Custom Repository Names

If the user’s private image registry uses different names for repositories, change each repository name to the name of the image being used.

  1. Create myValues dir (if it does not already exist).


  2. Create a repositories.yaml file in the myValues directory with the following content (replace <imageRegistry> with the FQDN of the user’s registry and <imageRepository> with the name of the container's corresponding image).


  3. Finish any other tasks from the Installation Checklist , then Install with Helm.

Using Image Pull Secrets

  1. Create an image pull secret in Kubernetes. Additional information here.

  2. Set the name of the image pull secret in bash.


  3. Create an values file containing the image pull secret.


  4. Finish any other tasks from the Installation Checklist , then Install with Helm. |
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