Troubleshooting - Error Messages 3.X

You will learn

Where to view ThreadFix error and Scan Upload messages.


Audience: IT Professional or End User
Difficulty: Basic
Time needed: Approximately 5 minutes
Tools required: N/A

System Error Messages

ThreadFix attempts to trap error conditions and return sensible error messages to the user. In cases where ThreadFix throws an unexpected exception, the system saves the message to the ThreadFix database.

  1. Users can find these messages by clicking the Help icon and selecting Error Messages.


  2. The Error Messages tab will display a list of errors, each can be clicked on to expand for further details. Additionally each can be reported to ThreadFix by clicking the Report To ThreadFix Team link.


    Note the expanded error message below:


Users can also view error messages for Scan Uploads from the Scan Upload Messages tab. |
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