Install with Helm

You will learn

How to install ThreadFix and its dependencies on an existing Kubernetes Cluster.


Audience: IT Professional
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: Approximately 10 minutes
Tools required: N/A

Minimum Requirements

  • Helm >= 3.5

  • kubectl

  • Running kubernetes cluster with the following:

    • Version >=1.16

    • >= 32 GB RAM available in cluster

      • >=8 GB RAM per node

    • > 4 core equivalents available in cluster

    • > 250 GB disk space available in default storage provider

      • For most cloud providers this will automatically be provisioned

  • A valid ThreadFix license

  • A kubernetes user with proper permissions

Suitable for large scale deployments where resources can be added to handle greater throughput of scans and vulnerability data.

Recommended Pre-requisites


It is recommended to not make any edits or changes to the Helm charts in order to avoid undesired performance. Any necessary changes should be done through the value files.


For the following instructions, add '-n ' to any kubectl or helm install if installing ThreadFix to separate namespace.

  1. Create myValues directory (if it does not exist).

    mkdir -p myValues


  2. If any other steps from the “Preparation Guides” have been completed, ensure that their resulting values files reside in the myValues directory.

  3. Create a ThreadFix license configuration.

    1. Locate the threadfix.license file.

    2. Run the following command (replacing <threadfix.license-path> with the path to the license file):

      kubectl create secret generic tf-license --from-file=threadfix.license=<threadfix.license-path>


  4. Create a TLS certificate configuration (optional).

    1. Convert the TLS certificate to base 64 encoded PEM if in a different format. For more information see the Adding a TLS Certificate (Kubernetes) guide.

    2. Run the following (replacing <tls-key> and <tls-cert> with their respective paths):

      kubectl create secret tls tf-tls --key <tls-key> --cert <tls-cert>
    3. Create TLS configuration values.


  5. Generate a unique password for PostgreSQL.


  6. Create a myValues.yaml file.


  7. Generate a helm args for all of the values files.


  8. Add the ThreadFix Helm repository:

    1. Add the ThreadFix Helm repository by running the following command

    2. Update the repositories by running:


  9. (Optional) If the above step fails to update due to firewall restrictions, download the helm chart manually through a browser

    1. Navigate to the Release Notes section of this space

    2. Click the “manual helm download”

    3. Copy the resulting tgz file to the machine Helm will install from

    4. In the helm install command below, replace denimgroup/threadfix with the path to the downloaded helm chart. Example: helm install tf threadfix-3.1.0.tgz $HELM_INSTALL_ARGS


  10. Install ThreadFix with the following command:


  11. ThreadFix will automatically generate internal credentials. Save these in a secure location for recovery purposes.

    1. Network Properties:

    2. Database password:

    3. Postgres password:


  12. The Helm command will return instruction on how to retrieve the load balancer address for the ThreadFix installation. Follow the progress of the installation with the following.


  13. When all pods report the status Running or Completed, the installation is complete and ready to use. |
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