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Audience: IT Professional or End User
Difficulty: Basic
Time needed: Approximately 5 minutes
Tools required: If any
For general information & instructions on the use of Remote Providers within ThreadFix, please refer to this page's parent page: Remote Providers. For information on REST API functionality for Remote Providers, please refer to the following: Remote Providers API
HCL AppScan Enterprise mitigates application security risk, strengthens application security program management initiatives and achieves regulatory compliance. ThreadFix uses AppScan Enterprise's (ASE) Application Security Management REST API to authenticate and pull both application and scan information.
User Role
Your ASE service user will need to have Job Administrator role in order for ThreadFix to use the endpoints below to obtain the necessary data.
Fetching Applications
ThreadFix uses the following endpoint to pull applications from the ASE instance. ThreadFix paginates this request.
Fetching Scans
ASE's Application Security Management REST API does not currently provide an endpoint to get issues from an application by scan. Instead, ThreadFix uses these endpoints:
Returns issues from ASE based on query parameters
ThreadFix uses this to pull the severity, status, datecreated, location and issuetype values of each finding from all new, open and reopened issues for the specified application
ThreadFix does paginate this request
Scan Dates
As of ThreadFix version (and requiring ASE v9.0.3.12 and higher, otherwise reverts to former functionality). Is this statement still accurate as is?
ThreadFix uses this endpoint and finds the latest Last Run Date of the returned jobs:
If a job does not have a Last Run Date, that means it has not been run before, but just configured to run, so these are ignored
In the absence of any jobs with a Last Run Date, or any jobs configured, ThreadFix attempts to get the latest Date Created via the /issues endpoint.
Scan Updated Date:
ThreadFix uses the /issues endpoint to search for the latest Last Updated Date for all the findings, regardless of severity. ThreadFix configures the parameters to only return one value, which is used as the Scan Updated Date.
Former functionality, prior to ThreadFix (and/or if integrating with ASE version older than Is this section necessary for 3.0?
ThreadFix organizes the results from the issues endpoint by rounding down their datecreated value to midnight and creating scans for each unique date.
Since these scans are dynamically created by ThreadFix, there is currently no distinction between the Scan Date and the Updated Date.
Parsing Vulnerabilities
The JSON returned by ASE's issues endpoint maps directly to these ThreadFix Finding Mappings:
Configuring Certificates
AppScan Enterprise requires its certificate to be stored in the users ThreadFix web server's Java keystore. Users may run into a "...SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
..." error when:
Migrating to a new ThreadFix web server or AppScan Enterprise Server
Changing or updating the ThreadFix web server's Java installation
Clearing your ThreadFix web server's Java keystore
Please refer to the Importing External Site's Certificate documentation to resolve this issue.
Generating Scans
Please refer to our File documentation for steps on how to generate a scan using AppScan Enterprise.
This links to the remote providers page, is this where it should or to a different/more specific page?