As of December 31st, 2023 ThreadFix 2.X has reached End of Life and is no longer supported. For any further information please contact the Success and Implementation team.

Netsparker Enterprise / Acunetix-360

You will learn

How to export a Netsparker Enterprise or Acunetix-360 report and import it into ThreadFix.


Audience: IT Professional or End User
Difficulty: Basic
Time needed: Approximately 5 minutes
Tools required: N/A

Date Format

Before exporting a scan to be uploaded into ThreadFix, ensure Netsparker Enterprise account's Date and Time Format (in User Settings) is set to either dd/MM/yyyy or yyyy-MM-dd (not MM/dd/yyyy).

Generate Results

  1. Navigate to an application's Scan Summary page (e.g., on the left sidebar, expand Scans, then click Recent Scans, and from the ensuing list, click the Report button for the scan to export).

  2. In the Scan Summary page, click the Export button. Within the Export Report modal, select Vulnerabilities List as the Report and XML as the Format. The three checkboxes below may be left unchecked, click the Export button, and save the scan file.

Upload Results

  1. After generating the report, log in to ThreadFix and navigate to the application to upload the scan. Drag & drop the report into the page, or click the upper Action menu button then select Upload Scan and drag & drop it or click Choose Files to browse for it.


  2. Once ThreadFix has finished processing the report, the results can be viewed on the application's page: |
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